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RMR 24-25 Season Ramps Up!

25 Aug 2024

The 2024-25 USA Volleyball season officially opens on September 1st. Here in the Rocky Mountain Region, we hit the courts quickly, with the boys fall club season kicking off with a two-day tournament Saturday-Sunday Oct 5-6. Registration for that event, and for the entire boys season, opens tomorrow, Monday Aug 26th.

For families, we're in the membership season! A few reminders that help us all get through this complicated process efficiently:

* Please wait for a MEMBERSHIP INVITATION LINK from your Club.

--> DON'T buy a generic membership... wait for the invitation link!

* Juniors are members in "households" at SportsEngine, but the household is "owned" by parents (or legal guardians). As you set up a household for your family, remember that you, the parent, are the account holder.

--> Athletes should not create their own account. While they will be the actual paid member (parents don't have to join or pay) it's the parents who, as legal adults, set up the account

Please check out our "Parents/membership" page for more detailed instructions!

What age group should my player tryout for?

Please use the chart below to verify what age group your player is eligible for this season!  Player's MAY play up in age groups, but may NOT play down.

For girls' teams: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006, (who are defined as 18 & under by the USAV Age Definition) and are in the 11th grade for the current academic year are eligible to compete in 17 & under.  There is no waiver needed for this exception.  

The "age calculator tool," below, is handy for double-checking which age-group your student-athlete is eligible for!


24-25 Indoor age Definitions Table

For use during the season
Please note: The calculator automatically "rolls over" into each new season on July 1st. The title above reflects the season that the calculator is reporting for. Also, the "junior class waiver" is automatically included in the age group reported here.

 Select the Month, Day & Year, then click on the button to see the youngest age group of that birth date.

Player Opportunities (Girls teams)

Still need a team? These clubs still have spots available that you might try out for.

New to RMR and USAV?

RMR Membership for athletes falls into two broad categories:

Most athletes are returning to the RMR from last season. They can re-use their 23-24 Membership (and their SportsEngine profile) for the new 24-25 season. Since their 23-24 membership is still "live" through August 31st, there's no need to buy a "tryout" membership, even if they are considering changing clubs.

If you were not a member of USAV/RMR last year, then you DO need to purchase a Tryout membership for the Tryout season. This low-cost membership covers any tryouts that you're involved in until Sept 1. The Tryout membership IS upgradable, into your "full season" membership once you find a club and settle in.

24-25 Season Memberships will open for purchase on August 1:

Referees, Coaches and Directors will be allowed to begin the process August 1st, so that they can get their background screening and Safesport courses started. 

Athletes can also purchase their 24-25 season membership beginning August 1st. 

Athletes, your Club will send you and your family a specific "Invitation Link" on or after August 1st. The link will take parents directly to the correct type of membership for their athlete. That membership will already be affiliated with your Club.. you get the right membership type, linked to the right club... all through the Invitation Link.

I mentioned above that if you are returning to USAV/RMR then you will use your existing profile at SportsEngine, to manage your membership. But If you're new to USA-Volleyball and the RMR, you'll be setting up a brand new family account at SportsEngine.

SPORTSENGINE is the fancy program that manages all of our memberships. PARENTS build "households," into which they add their daughters and sons, as RMR member-athletes. Club Directors build "Clubs," Coaches build "Teams"... and the RMR and other events use ROSTERS from these teams.... all within this one program.  SE is a  powerful tool, but it's not always easy to understand.

We've published some articles to help you get off to a great start, but here are two "pro tips" to point you in the right direction:

1) Your family only needs one account. 

     --> As the legal guardian, you as the parent, will set up the family account! THEN you add your student athletes to the family.  

     --> Athletes are not allowed to set up accounts in their own names. (because they are minors)

2) Be careful to only use "passport quality" names. The SportsEngine computer is a real stickler for correct spelling. Nicknames, or anything else other than "passport names" leads to confusion when your coach is trying to assign their players  to the team roster!

3) Choose one very solid email address for your family account. This address will be the whole key to your household. Your athletes will be able to enter their own private email addresses later in the setup.

4) We can help! We have lots more information about going USAV and the RMR at our "Membership" page. And don't forget that we have our own "membership expert" available to help you! Send any questions that you may have to Kirsten will get right back to you with helpful notes and online articles... all the stuff that "new members" and their families need to hear!

See you soon!


Membership Types


Athletes who have signed with a club for the 24-25 season are reminded to wait for an invitation link from their club, that will help them affiliate with that club as a regular member. Beyond the regular club membership the RMR does offer several specific special use"membership types:


Most junior players will be "Regular Junior 24-25 players."

Anyone who will turn 18 before August of 2025 will register as "Junior Player with SafeSport."

We also offer some less frequently used specific memberships:

The upgradable 24-25 Tryout Membership  is available (even through the fall, for clubs that tryout late) and does include the option to upgrade to a full 24-25 membership after you affiliate with a club. Get the "tryout membership" and you'll be good-to go for any club tryout... and eligible to upgrade to a full membership when you've chosen your club! Remember that if you were a USAV member in 23-24, you don't need a tryout membership. 

Young adults aged 16 or 17 who will serve as assistant coaches purchase a special "Team Manager" membership. Anyone 18 or older that hopes to coach must be registered as an adult coach, with background check and SafeSport certification.

Athletes 8 or younger play for free as "8 & Under Players."

Athletes 11 or under play under a discounted "11s Player" membership.

Young athletes who are joining low-cost beginner leagues do so through their league administrator, or may contact the RMR at 

Athletes who will join beach clubs either separately, or in addition to their regular indoor full-season membership may contact the office as well. (Yes, you can join one club as an indoor member, but play beach for another club!) Some beach clubs play all year long!



Club Parents are not required to be USAV members. Many often do join however, in order to serve as team chaperones, as site directors, or as scorekeepers or referees.

Adults intending to become professional Officials; please see our "For Officials" page. 

Adult players please go to our ADULTS page.



Below parents can find easy references to help navigate SportsEngine. 

Shinkara Hardship Fund


The Shinkara Fund was established to assist junior athletes who might need a little help with the expenses related to club volleyball.  


The RMR thanks "legendary local volley-philanthropist" Tom Kawano for all of his support over the years. So many adults and juniors have come to love the sport, and have enjoyed expanded opportunities to play, thanks to Tom and his good works! 


Application for Shinkara support is due March 1st, and can be made using this online FORM.  Awards are traditionally granted in early April.


How to Access the USAV Learning Academy


Accessing the USAV Academy is much simpler now!  Just sign in to your Sports Engine Account, and you'll find a box right there in the middle of your homepage that has the USA Volleyball Academy name and logo and a blue "Launch" button at the far right.  Hit the "Launch" button, and you should be good to go!

USAV Membership Page

Scroll to the bottom for FAQ