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RMR Showdown

2025 RMR Showdown Update!

The Showdown will play five waves on more than 50 courts over Presidents' weekend, Saturday through Monday, February 15-17th.  All courts will be in the northern Colorado area - from Loveland and Windsor on the west to Greeley and Eaton on the east.

Teams in the ODD-numbered  age divisions will play in the AM wave, while EVEN teams (including the 11-12s)  will play in the PM wave. This is true for both Saturday and Sunday.  

Note that the 16s will be split between the two waves; so 16s should be prepared to play in either wave.

On Monday, everyone plays AM wave as we work through the Championship brackets!

See flier below for Showdown Hotel info.

See you there!

The RMR...

20th Anniversary Showdown A Big success!

It was great to be back in Greeley this year, for our 20th Annual RMR Showdown! Some 225 teams competed across 28 courts and 7 different venues for three days, to determine our '22 Champions. 



CONGRATULATIONS to the teams who fought their way to the top of the leaderboards! Well done!






Showdown 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated and made Showdown 2022, our 20th year, an amazing tournament!

RMR Greeley Showdown Finals Day!